Dictionary of exercises : aquabike, aquaform, aquagym

To remain a good aquafitness coach, you must constantly be attentive and revitalize your knowledge panel. 

Expanding your aquabike, aquagym or aquafitness class exercise dictionary is not such an easy thing to do.

 That’s why we will discuss here the different ways to keep your team motivated and teach effectively!

Aquatic coaching is a discipline that offers a variety of benefits for coaches and therefore for the participants.

 As a coach, you need to be aware of new trends and ways to keep your group motivated. Indeed, exercises and classes can get bogged down if the coach does not use his imagination to regularly update his knowledge panel.

In order to expand your dictionary of aquabike, aquagym or aquafitness exercises and classes, here are a few tips to help you stay on top of your aqua training:


– Be curious:

Stay informed about what’s going on in the field of aquatic coaching by reading blogs, attending aqua events… This allows you to find new creations to enrich your course program.


– Diversify:

Don’t be afraid to diversify the techniques you use and integrate traditional movements with more complex movement sequences as much as possible. This way, you can offer a varied aquatic class to your participants, while keeping everyone’s interest. You can also integrate games into your class to bring a more playful dimension to coaching!

– Observe:

Many times, a practitioner makes a movement that was not suggested by you. Either by inattention or by lack of knowledge. In any case, it can be integrated, along with all its variants, in the creation of your next course… And enlarge your exercise dictionary.  And that goes for your colleagues and competitors.

– Adapt:

It is important that your style is adaptable so that your sessions can be tailored to the specific needs of each client. So make sure that each session has enough variety to keep participants’ attention throughout the course!

– Find a mentor:

Sometimes it can be helpful to have a mentor who can share their knowledge with you. Having someone to turn to is a great help in learning and acquiring skills faster and holding your classes with flying colors!
Finally, always make sure that the health and safety of the participants comes before any other consideration. Hygiene and safety measures must be respected so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of aquatic coaching without risk!

By applying these tips, you will be able to revitalize your knowledge panel and improve continuously! With a little experience and a lot of perseverance on these points, you will soon become the aquatic coach that everyone will talk about in your aquafitness class.

So don’t waste any time, and start perfecting your technique today!

Conclusion :

Always remember that aquatic coaching is a job of responsibility in its own right. 

To develop your skills, it is essential to maintain a positive attitude and to constantly listen to your participants. 

Always try to offer a variety of exercises to stimulate motivation and meet the specific needs of your participants. 

Also use new technologies to make your sessions more interactive and engaging.

Have a good course

Thank you for reading.

Aqua Coach : The blog